3 Tips for Running a Successful Pub

Posted on: 30 November 2016

If you're in the market for a new pub, and have never managed or owned one before, you need to consider that a pub is not the same as a family restaurant or something more formal and elegant. Patrons of a pub usually come to enjoy a few beers and the place's casual, relaxed atmosphere, and not just dinner. To ensure your new pub is a success the minute you open your doors, note a few tips to consider.

1. Have trivia or another event night

Patrons of a pub may not always want to sit around and just chat with friends; they may also appreciate some type of fun distraction. A regular trivia night, speed dating, dart or pool league, karaoke, or other such event can really draw in crowds, and regular patrons as well. You may need to hire a host or coordinator for such events or even work with an outside company for something like speed dating, but this can be well worth the investment if it means larger crowds, regular patrons, and more sales overall.

2. Have a signature brew

Offering various labels and even microbrews is a good choice for pubs, but having your own brew can also mean regular crowds who need to come to your pub in particular to enjoy it. It's usually not expensive to invest in beer making equipment, and following a beer recipe can actually be easy and fun as you go through the process of creating a certain taste. You can even switch up the signature brew according to the seasons; something light and sweet for springtime and then heavier and darker for fall and winter can be a good choice. Once you start with a signature brew, you may find it's such a success that you decide to create an entire line of beers or ales just for your pub alone.

3. Offer alcohol-free choices

Designated drivers, those who cannot have alcohol for medical or religious reasons, or those who are simply cutting back on their drinking may still want to hang out with their friends, but if you don't offer something alcohol-free for them, the group may go elsewhere. Be sure you have a nice selection of virgin mixed drinks, and also consider alcohol-free beers, smoothies and handmade fruit juices along with seltzer water, or a selection of coffees. These items will ensure that anyone and everyone can enjoy time at your pub even if they're not there to drink.
